Jeffito's Journey 2005
This blog documents my journey when I worked & lived in Hong Kong (4/5/05-12/15/05). I can’t thank my company enough for this international assignment, as it has been an experience of a lifetime! A journey I wanted to share with family, friends, and my fellow cast members. Click on any picture to enlarge. Click on the archives to see past months. Enjoy.
Tuesday, May 31, 2005

5-26-04. 4 hours later, we land in Tokyo, Japan. The airport was so quite! By the time we reached the express train, we had two minutes to board, thus we ran. Luckily, we got there in time. Unfortunately, we had no time to figure out how to buy the tickets! Thus, we missed the last express train� However, we did make the LAST train to Tokyo. LAST TRAIN, no room for mistakes people. The pressure was on. We were very fortunate to meet �MY-YOU-ME� (sorry, don�t know the real spelling) on the train. She had just visited New Zealand, and was very helpful and reassuring in direction giving. Thank You �My-You-Me�!