Jeffito's Journey 2005
This blog documents my journey when I worked & lived in Hong Kong (4/5/05-12/15/05). I can’t thank my company enough for this international assignment, as it has been an experience of a lifetime! A journey I wanted to share with family, friends, and my fellow cast members. Click on any picture to enlarge. Click on the archives to see past months. Enjoy.
Monday, October 31, 2005

10.08.05. Lhasa, Tibet. Just like prayer wheels, the Tibetans write prayers on prayer flags and every time the flag flaps in the wind it sends that prayer off to the gods. Thus the importance of placing your flag on a mountain top or near a river where there is lots of wind. It also sends the prayer for the person who put the flags there in the first place. A clever way to send more prayers! Do you see them at the top?

Roof-top Prayers